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Week 1


  • Setting up the codebase and added necessary commands in the Makefile I was given the task to check out the already built product and see how it works for the first week. Later I added some important function and classes for my flutter app like an HTTP wrapper class, Local Storage class, etc. I also added some commands in the Makefile to make the development process easier like making files for a new screen, running the app, etc. This makes the app more modular and also maintains a consistency in the codebase.

Screenshots / Videos

In the first week, I wasnt directly working on the UI part of the app so there aernt many screenshots to show. But I have added some screenshots of the app in the second week. I did try out the Digit UI package which is supposed to be used in the app. This package is being maintained by the Digit team and is available on I have added some screenshots of the app using the package.


As my app is built from the ground up, I am currently maintaining a single branch for the app and it doesnt have any PR. Here are some commits that I have made in the first week:


I learnt about the GetX in the first week and how to leverage it for MVC style development